National Law University Delhi & Delhi International Arbitration Centre (an adjunct of High Court of Delhi) present "ONLINE DIPLOMA COURSE IN LAW AND PRACTICE IN ARBITRATION".
The course offers great opportunity to gain an in depth understanding of various facets of domestic and international commercial arbitration through the analysis of Law of Arbitration, and the Rules of National and International Arbitral Institutions regarding procedures of arbitration and the execution of awards.
Resource persons include
Sitting and Former Judges of High Court of Delhi
Eminent Professors of Law
Senior partners from leading law firms
International lawyers, Practitioners and Arbitrators
Graduates in any discipline including Lawyers, CAs, Accountants, Company Secretaries, Engineers, Architects, Bureaucrats, Management Graduates, etc.
Students pursuing law degree
Live lectures
4 hours of lectures on Saturday and Sunday
Credit Points : 20
Core Areas
Domestic Arbitration
International Commercial Arbitration
Drafting of Arbitration clause
Content and form of awards
Enforcement of Awards
Multi-tier clauses
Third party funding
Opening date for Registration : December 10, 2022
Last date for Registration : January 15, 2023
Commencement of Course : February 1, 2023
Duration of Course : 8 Months
Total seats : 100*
Course Fees : ₹ 80,000/-
Refer to the following document for more information -
For more details visit university website :
Centre for Alternative Dispute Resolution, National Law University, Delhi
Sector 14, Dwarka, New Delhi - 110078
Email :
*Admission will be subject to relative merit.