Credit Course On Investment Arbitration
2nd - 6th September
About the Course
In contemporary times, arbitration has emerged as an essential method of resolving disputes, it is no longer only an alternative. While commercial arbitration is taught and practiced more often in India, opportunities to study investment arbitration and make an informed decision to pursue it as a career option are limited. To address this, we have designed a comprehensive course, especially for students and young legal professionals. This will allow participants to become familiar with this fascinating and evolving world of investment arbitration and explore it as a potential career path. The Course offers a unique opportunity to learn from international practitioners in the field. It will delve into the complex field of investment arbitration, examining its foundational principles, current practices, and emerging trends. The main aim is to provide participants with a functional understanding of the practical and theoretical aspects of international investment law and arbitration.

Additional Information
Early Bird: INR 2999 till 22 August 2024​
Standard Fee: INR 4999 from 23 August 2024 onwards.​
There are 75 seats available on a first come first served basis
III, IV and V year students of 5-year LLB course,
II and III year students of 3-year LLB course,
Young Legal Professionals (0-2 years of PQE)