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Submission Guidelines

The Centre for  ADR accepts submissions for the National Law University Alternative Dispute Resolution Review Blog (The NLUADR Blog) from academicians, legal practitioners, research scholars and students. We welcome guest submissions on any topic under the Blog's theme.


Theme of the Blog is Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Mechanisms.


Points to Note:

  1. Co-authorship for the manuscripts is permissible. However, the number of co-authors must not exceed two.

  2. The manuscripts should be an original work of the authors. If found plagiarized, we will not be able to publish it.

  3. We accept articles only in English. 

  4. Analytical posts are preferred over descriptive ones. Posts will be considered for publication based on various factors including relevance, quality, structure, logic and writing-style.

  5. Cross-posting is allowed only with the permission of the Editors. Moreover, this is subject to the condition that the cross-posting prominently carries wording to the effect that the material was “first published on the NLUADR Blog”.


Contribution Guidelines:

We invite submissions in the following categories:

  1. Articles and Essays

  2. Comments on recent legal advancements in alternative dispute resolution both within India and on a global scale.

  3. Article Reviews/Reactions to articles previously published on the NLUADR Blog

  4. Case Notes analyzing recent Supreme Court and High Court judgements. Submissions relating to developments in other jurisdictions are also acceptable provided they have some relation to developments in India. 

  5. Book reviews engaging with recent literary works.


The list specified above is not exhaustive and we welcome additional suggestions provided they align with the theme of the blog.


All submissions for the blog must be between 1500-2000 words inclusive of footnotes, if any. All the sources must be provided by way of hyperlinks, and not footnotes. Footnote references (if absolutely necessary) must conform to the Oxford University Standard for the Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA). For Indian case law, contributors may provide accessible links to the case. Factual assertions must be supported with appropriate links to sources.


Formatting Guidelines: 

Font – Times New Roman, Font Size - 12, Line spacing - 1.5, Alignment - Justified, Paragraph Spacing – 6 pt (before and after).


General Guidelines:

  1. The manuscript should contain a title and a brief synopsis/introduction of the chosen topic.

  2. The title of the submission must not exceed 10 words.

  3. The synopsis/ introduction of the topic should not exceed 200 words.

  4. Authors must include their brief biographical information (in no more than two lines) at the top of the post below the title.

  5. Each submission must include up to three keywords relevant to the theme of the article.

  6. We accept submissions on a rolling basis. We follow a system of two rounds of review by our Blog Editors. Contributors must work with the Editors to incorporate suggested revisions and comments.

  7. Submissions not conforming to the above mentioned guidelines may be returned or rejected. 

  8. CADR reserves the right to reject/ accept any article. Further, by sending your article to CADR, you agree that we may publish it on the NLUADR Blog. Decisions of the Editorial Board are binding and submissions may be rejected solely at the discretion of the Editorial Board. Given the large volume of submissions, the Editors are not in a position to provide feedback on each rejected submission.


Submission Process:

  1. The manuscript shall be submitted in .doc/.docx format (Microsoft Office 2007 or above).

  2. Manuscripts should be submitted electronically to with the subject-title “Submission— NLUADR Blog”.

  3. We shall not be accepting any blog submission made to any email id other than the aforementioned.

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